

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.

Catalog Number: DVC0101

Product Size Price
8×106 cells Online Inquiry


  • Cell Line:
  • U2OS
  • GPCR Family:
  • 5-HT Receptors
  • Gene Name:
  • HTR1A
  • Assay Target Class:
  • GPCR
  • GenBank Accession Number:
  • NM_000524
  • Cytoplasmic Tail:
  • Tail from AVPR2 GPCR
  • Detection Method:
  • Fluorescent
  • Population Status:
  • Single Cell Clone Origin
  • Shipping Condition:
  • Dry Ice
  • Storage:
  • Should be stored in liquid nitrogen immediately upon receipt.
  • Technique:
  • FRET


  • We have different stable recombinant cell lines that express a variety of GPCRs for binding and functional assays.

Detailed Information

  • U2OS/HTR1A-bla is a stable recombinant human cell line expressing the human Serotonin Type 1a receptor (HTR1A) linked to a TEV protease site and a Gal4-VP16 transcription factor. Under the control of a UAS response element, this cell line can stably express a beta-arrestin/TEV protease fusion protein and the beta-lactamase (bla) reporter gene. This cell line has been functionally validated and tested under variable conditions.